Source code for datasafe.client

Client components of the LabInform datasafe.

Clients of the datasafe connect to a server component of the datasafe and
are responsible for a series of different tasks:

* Deposit and retrieve items (currently: datasets) to and from the datasafe.

* Prepare items (currently: datasets) for depositing in the datasafe.

  For datasets, this means that a manifest needs to be written. And for a
  manifest to be written, at least the format of the actual data needs to be
  provided. In case of info or YAML files as metadata files,
  the :class:`datasafe.manifest.Manifest` class should be able to
  auto-detect the format and version of the metadata format,
  using :class:`datasafe.manifest.FormatDetector`. See there for details.

Types of clients

Currently, there are two different clients implemented:

* :class:`LocalClient`

  A client connecting locally directly within Python to a local server.

* :class:`HTTPClient`

  A client connecting via HTTP to a remote server.

  The remote server connected by this client needs to have an API conforming
  to that implemented by :class:`datasafe.server.HTTPServerAPI`.

  HTTP status codes returned from the server are handled correctly and
  converted into exceptions.

Furthermore, there is a base class :class:`Client` both concrete client
implementations inherit from. This base class deals with all aspects of a
client that can be performed completely local, such as Manifest creation and
check of LOIs for overall validity. Thus, implementing concrete clients is
rather straight-forward.

Working with a client

A database client operates as interface the datasafe. Hence the user (be it
a human user or other code) needs not care about where and how data are stored.

The functionality of the datasafe client can be split into two categories:

* Tasks entirely local

* Tasks interacting with a datasafe server component

Both will briefly be described below.

Local tasks

There is currently one task in this category:

* Creating a manifest file


Manifests contain information on the data and metadata and allow the
datasafe to operate independently of special-purpose functions such as
importers for the diverse set of file formats. For details of manifests,
see the :mod:`datasafe.manifest` module.

Tasks interacting with a datasafe server

The following tasks are currently implemented:

* Create a resource in the datasafe


* Upload data to a resource in the datasafe


* Download data from a resource in the datasafe


* Update data of a resource in the datasafe


From the four basic operations of persistent storage, create, read, update,
and delete (CRUD), this covers create (:meth:`Client.create` and
:meth:`Client.upload`), read (:meth:``), and update
(:meth:`Client.update`). The last, delete, is covered by the storage backend
the server components connect to, but not (yet) exposed by the servers (and
hence not accessible to the clients). The reason for this is that data shall
usually not be deleted in any case, but long-term archived. Therefore,
while there may be legitimate use cases for actually deleting items in the
datasafe, this will most probably be an administrative task not available to
the regular client.

Module documentation


import glob
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import warnings

import requests

from datasafe.exceptions import (
import datasafe.loi as loi_
from datasafe.manifest import Manifest
from datasafe import server
from datasafe.utils import change_working_dir

[docs] class Client: """ Client part of the datasafe. The client interacts with a server to transfer data from and to the datasafe. This class provides all functionality that is local to the client. The actual connection to the server is done in non-public methods that need to be implemented in concrete classes. There are currently two concrete client classes available: * :class:`LocalClient` A client connecting locally directly within Python to a local server. * :class:`HTTPClient` A client connecting via HTTP protocol to an HTTP server. Attributes ---------- loi_parser : :class:`datasafe.loi.Parser` Parser for lab object identifiers (LOIs). Used to check a given LOI for complying to certain criteria (and be a valid LOI). metadata_extensions : :class:`tuple` File extensions that are regarded as metadata files. Used when automatically creating manifest files to distinguish between data and metadata files of a dataset. Default: ('.info', '.yaml') """ def __init__(self): self.loi_parser = loi_.Parser() self.metadata_extensions = (".info", ".yaml") self._loi_checker = loi_.LoiChecker()
[docs] def create(self, loi=""): """ Create new LOI. Useful to "reserve" and register a LOI in the datasafe, *e.g.* at the start of a new measurement. The storage corresponding to the LOI will be created and the LOI returned if successful. This does, however, *not* add any data to the datasafe. Therefore, calling :meth:`create` will usually be followed by calling :meth:`upload` at some later point. On the other hand, before calling :meth:`upload`, you *need to* call :meth:`create` to create the new LOI storage space. Parameters ---------- loi : :class:`str` LOI the storage should be created for Returns ------- loi : :class:`str` LOI the storage has been created for Raises ------ datasafe.loi.MissingLoiError Raised if no LOI is provided datasafe.loi.InvalidLoiError Raised if LOI is not valid (for the given operation) """ if not loi: raise MissingLoiError("No LOI provided.") self._check_loi(loi=loi, validate=False) id_parts = self.loi_parser.split_id() if id_parts[0] != "exp": raise InvalidLoiError("Loi ist not a valid experiment LOI") self._loi_checker.ignore_check = "LoiMeasurementNumberChecker" if not self._loi_checker.check(loi): raise InvalidLoiError("String is not a valid LOI.") return self._server_create(loi=loi)
def _server_create(self, loi=""): # noqa return ""
[docs] def create_manifest(self, filename="", path=""): """ Create a manifest file for a given dataset. Different scenarios for determining which files belong to the dataset and for distinguishing between data and metadata files are: * Neither parameter ``filename`` nor ``path`` given All files of the current directory will be assumed to belong to the dataset. * Parameter ``filename`` given Only files starting with the value of ``filename`` will be considered. Note that the value is used as pattern. * Parameter ``path``, but no parameter ``filename`` given Only files in the directory given by ``path`` will be considered. * Both parameters, ``filename`` and ``path`` given Only files starting with the value of ``filename`` and located in the directory given by ``path`` will be considered. Note that the value is used as pattern. Metadata will be identified by using the :attr:`metadata_extensions` attribute of the class. For details see there. .. note:: As the manifest file has always the same name, it is generally a good idea to have one dataset per directory. Otherwise, only one manifest file (for one dataset) at a time can be created. Things to decide about and implement: * How to define or detect the file format? Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Name of the file(s) belonging to a dataset. This is taken as pattern and extended with ".*" and used with :func:`glob.glob` if given. path : :class:`str` File system path where to look for files belonging to a dataset """ manifest = Manifest() with change_working_dir(path): file_pattern = filename + ".*" if filename else "*" filenames = glob.glob(file_pattern) manifest.metadata_filenames = [ x for x in filenames if x.endswith(self.metadata_extensions) ] manifest.data_filenames = [ x for x in filenames if x not in manifest.metadata_filenames ] if manifest.manifest_filename in manifest.metadata_filenames: manifest.metadata_filenames.remove(manifest.manifest_filename) manifest.to_file()
[docs] def upload(self, loi="", filename="", path=""): """ Upload data belonging to a dataset to the datasafe. If no manifest file exists, it will automatically be created. Different scenarios for determining which files belong to the dataset and for distinguishing between data and metadata files are: * Neither parameter ``filename`` nor ``path`` given All files of the current directory will be assumed to belong to the dataset. * Parameter ``filename`` given Only files starting with the value of ``filename`` will be considered. Note that the value is used as pattern. * Parameter ``path``, but no parameter ``filename`` given Only files in the directory given by ``path`` will be considered. * Both parameters, ``filename`` and ``path`` given Only files starting with the value of ``filename`` and located in the directory given by ``path`` will be considered. Note that the value is used as pattern. Parameters ---------- loi : :class:`str` LOI the data should be uploaded for filename : :class:`str` Name of the file(s) belonging to a dataset. This is taken as pattern and extended with ".*" and used with :func:`glob.glob` if given. path : :class:`str` File system path where to look for files belonging to a dataset Returns ------- integrity : :class:`dict` dict with fields ``data`` and ``all`` containing boolean values For details see :meth:`datasafe.manifest.Manifest.check_integrity`. Raises ------ datasafe.loi.MissingLoiError Raised if no LOI is provided """ if not loi: raise MissingLoiError("No LOI provided.") self._check_loi(loi=loi, validate=False) with change_working_dir(path): if not os.path.exists(Manifest().manifest_filename): self.create_manifest(filename=filename) manifest = Manifest() manifest.from_file(manifest.manifest_filename) manifest.loi = loi manifest.to_file() filenames = manifest.metadata_filenames filenames.extend(manifest.data_filenames) filenames.append(manifest.manifest_filename) content = self._create_zip_archive(filenames) return self._server_upload(loi=loi, content=content)
def _server_upload(self, loi="", content=None): # noqa return {"data": True, "all": True}
[docs] def download(self, loi=""): """ Download data from the datasafe. The LOI is checked for belonging to the datasafe. Further checks will be done on the server side, resulting in exceptions raised if there are some problems. Upon successful download data are checked for integrity and in case of possible data or metadata corruption a warning is issued. Take care of handling this warning downstream accordingly. Parameters ---------- loi : :class:`str` LOI the data should be downloaded for Returns ------- download_dir : :class:`str` Directory the data obtained from the datasafe have been saved to Warns ----- UserWarning Issued if the consistency check fails, *i.e.* data or metadata may be corrupted Raises ------ datasafe.loi.MissingLoiError Raised if no LOI is provided """ if not loi: raise MissingLoiError("No LOI provided.") self._check_loi(loi=loi, validate=False) content = self._server_download(loi=loi) download_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with change_working_dir(download_dir): archive_file = "" with open(archive_file, "wb") as file: file.write(content) shutil.unpack_archive(archive_file, ".") os.remove(archive_file) manifest = Manifest() manifest.from_file(manifest.manifest_filename) integrity = manifest.check_integrity() if not all(integrity.values()): if not any(integrity.values()): message = ( "Integrity check failed, data and metadata may be " "corrupted." ) elif integrity["data"]: message = "Integrity check failed, metadata may be corrupted." else: message = "Integrity check failed, data may be corrupted." warnings.warn(message) return download_dir
def _server_download(self, loi=""): # noqa return self._create_zip_archive(filenames=[])
[docs] def update(self, loi="", filename="", path=""): """ Update data belonging to a dataset to the datasafe. If no manifest file exists, it will automatically be created. Different scenarios for determining which files belong to the dataset and for distinguishing between data and metadata files are: * Neither parameter ``filename`` nor ``path`` given All files of the current directory will be assumed to belong to the dataset. * Parameter ``filename`` given Only files starting with the value of ``filename`` will be considered. Note that the value is used as pattern. * Parameter ``path``, but no parameter ``filename`` given Only files in the directory given by ``path`` will be considered. * Both parameters, ``filename`` and ``path`` given Only files starting with the value of ``filename`` and located in the directory given by ``path`` will be considered. Note that the value is used as pattern. Parameters ---------- loi : :class:`str` LOI the data should be updated filename : :class:`str` Name of the file(s) belonging to a dataset. This is taken as pattern and extended with ".*" and used with :func:`glob.glob` if given. path : :class:`str` File system path where to look for files belonging to a dataset Returns ------- integrity : :class:`dict` dict with fields ``data`` and ``all`` containing boolean values For details see :meth:`datasafe.manifest.Manifest.check_integrity`. Raises ------ datasafe.loi.MissingLoiError Raised if no LOI is provided """ if not loi: raise MissingLoiError("No LOI provided.") self._check_loi(loi=loi, validate=False) with change_working_dir(path): if not os.path.exists(Manifest().manifest_filename): self.create_manifest(filename=filename) manifest = Manifest() manifest.from_file(manifest.manifest_filename) manifest.loi = loi manifest.to_file() filenames = manifest.metadata_filenames filenames.extend(manifest.data_filenames) filenames.append(manifest.manifest_filename) content = self._create_zip_archive(filenames) return self._server_update(loi=loi, content=content)
def _server_update(self, loi="", content=None): # noqa return {"data": True, "all": True} def _check_loi(self, loi="", validate=True): """ Check a LOI. Parameters ---------- loi : :class:`str` LOI to be checked validate : :class:`bool` Whether to validate the LOI If False, the LOI will only be checked to be a datasafe LOI. Default: True Raises ------ datasafe.loi.InvalidLoiError Raised if LOI is not a datasafe LOI/not valid """ self.loi_parser.parse(loi) if self.loi_parser.type != "ds": raise InvalidLoiError("LOI is not a datasafe LOI.") if validate: if not self._loi_checker.check(loi): raise InvalidLoiError("String is not a valid LOI.") def _create_zip_archive(self, filenames=None): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: for filename in filenames: self._copy_file(filename, tmpdir) zip_archive = shutil.make_archive( base_name="dataset", format="zip", root_dir=tmpdir ) with open(zip_archive, "rb") as zip_file: contents = return contents def _copy_file(self, source, destination): if os.path.isdir(source): os.mkdir(os.path.join(destination, source)) for item in os.listdir(source): self._copy_file(os.path.join(source, item), destination) else: shutil.copy(source, destination)
[docs] class LocalClient(Client): """ Client connecting locally directly within Python to a local server. Attributes ---------- server : :class:`datasafe.server.Server` Datasafe server component to talk to. The server itself will communicate with a backend to do the actual storage. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.server = server.Server() def _server_create(self, loi=""): return def _server_upload(self, loi="", content=None): return self.server.upload(loi=loi, content=content) def _server_download(self, loi=""): return def _server_update(self, loi="", content=None): return self.server.update(loi=loi, content=content)
[docs] class HTTPClient(Client): """ Client connecting via HTTP to a remote server. The remote server connected by this client needs to have an API conforming to that implemented by :class:`datasafe.server.HTTPServerAPI`. HTTP status codes returned from the server are handled correctly and converted into exceptions. Attributes ---------- server_url : :class:`str` URL of a datasafe HTTP server to connect to. Default: '' url_prefix : :class:`str` Prefix of the URLs appended to :attr:`server_url` Default: 'api/' """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.server_url = "" self.url_prefix = "api/" def _server_create(self, loi=""): response = + self.url_prefix + loi) return response.content.decode() def _server_upload(self, loi="", content=None): response = requests.put( self.server_url + self.url_prefix + loi, data=content ) if response.status_code == 404: raise InvalidLoiError(message=response.content.decode()) if response.status_code == 400: if "does not exist" in response.content.decode(): raise LoiNotFoundError(message=response.content.decode()) if response.status_code == 405: raise ExistingFileError(message=response.content.decode()) return json.loads(response.content) def _server_download(self, loi=""): response = requests.get(self.server_url + self.url_prefix + loi) if response.status_code == 204: # Note: 204 returns no content (obviously!) raise MissingContentError("LOI does not have any content") if response.status_code == 404: if "does not exist" in response.content.decode(): raise LoiNotFoundError(message=response.content.decode()) if "not a valid LOI" in response.content.decode(): raise InvalidLoiError(message=response.content.decode()) return response.content def _server_update(self, loi="", content=None): response = requests.patch( self.server_url + self.url_prefix + loi, data=content ) if response.status_code == 400: raise LoiNotFoundError(message=response.content.decode()) if response.status_code == 404: raise InvalidLoiError(message=response.content.decode()) if response.status_code == 405: raise NoFileError(message=response.content.decode()) return json.loads(response.content)